First of all, I wish to thank my customers for the wonderful year and a half we just finished since my last update. Your response to the Jennifer Esteban mold and pattern line has been well received. I was glad I was able to make it available once more. It was very nice to meet many of you at the shows I attended as well as speaking to you on the phone and corresponding via email. We are now the home of three mold and patterns lines: Ali Hansen's mold and pattern line, Jennifer Esteban Originals molds and pattern line and I just recently also purchased Klowns by Kay mold and pattern line - original artist: Kay McKee. I have been very lax in getting Jennifer's information on the website (thank you for those who keep nudging me to update the site). Kay's information will follow after I get Jennifer's information completed. I will be working on acquiring other lines as they become available.
I have an exciting year planned and am also teaching classes again. I hope my students are having as much fun as I am. Be sure to email or call for details if you would be interested in a class.
I will continue to have my order form link easily accessible on this page below for your convenience. A "security warning" may pop up
for you as I have not purchased a security certificate because of the expense. I used to be able to use the web hoster's certificate but that has changed.
The order form is secure as it is encrypted before I get it and then sent to my email. I have a "key pair" in order to decifer the encryption.
If you prefer, I am available to take orders by phone or you can email me or snail mail be at the address below.
I wish for you that 2012 will be a marvelous and prosperous year with many new friends and wonderful dolly accomplishments. Thank you, Char
for more information contact me at